Upcoming: New album: Hyperclassics v.1 \\\\\\\\\ Upcoming: New album: Hyperclassics v.1
Upcoming: My first album “HYPERKLASSIꓘ V.1” is coming very soon! // “motheroid” is going to be showed in a 4-channel audio installation in Taipei @ 2024 Future Media Fest from October 4 to December 15.
Album presentation of “HYPERKLASSIꓘ V.1”, Sunday, 13.10.24, Morphine Raum, with AIEL, KC and visuals by Cẩm-Anh Lương
Treffpunkt: Der Vulkan
Treffpunkt: Der Vulkan
Music and sound design for "Treffpunkt: Der Vulkan" of artist Cẩm-Anh Lương. The artwork examines the idea of collective storytelling and resource sharing in a virtual word.
"Treffpunkt: Der Vulkan” has been presented at documenta fifteen, Kassel (2022) as part of *foundationClass*collective.
I also made music and sounds for other works of the artist. "TrótTinAl / Trustin_Al" was part of Carnival of Algorithmic Culture, 23rd and 24th June 2023, Toronto, Canada and at Hải An Gallery, Hô Chí Minh City, with a dance performance of Lyon Đạt Nguyễn.
Upcoming: New album: Hyperclassics v.1 \\\\\\\\\ Upcoming: New album: Hyperclassics v.1
Upcoming: New album: Hyperclassics v.1 \\\\\\\\\ Upcoming: New album: Hyperclassics v.1
Upcoming: New album: Hyperclassics v.1 \\\\\\\\\ Upcoming: New album: Hyperclassics v.1
Album presentation of “HYPERKLASSIꓘ V.1”, Sunday, 13.10.24, Morphine Raum, with AIEL, KC and visuals by Cẩm-Anh Lương