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Presented in the Villa Elisabeth on November 12, 2023 funded by Musikfonds e.V.

Toward the end of summer 2022 if I remember correctly, I met with Lucien Danzeisen to discuss collaboration in composition, its limits and possibilities, and to look for an alternative method of working together as composers. From these early brainstorming came the idea for “Me, myself and the other: I”.

In its first realization presented in the Villa Elisabeth on November 12, 2023 three composers (myself, Lucien and Eiko Tsukamoto) took turns telling ideas for their pieces to the other two, who then actually wrote the pieces.

The six pieces have been played by Damir Bačikin (trumpet), Adam Weisman (percussion) and Yuri Matzusaki (flute) with accompanying video clips cut from the footage of the three-way meetings in which the various pieces were verbally narrated.


Upcoming: New album: Hyperclassics v.1          \\\\\\\\\        Upcoming: New album: Hyperclassics v.1

Upcoming: My first album “HYPERKLASSIꓘ V.1” is coming very soon!  // “motheroid” is going to be showed in a 4-channel audio installation in Taipei @ 2024 Future Media Fest from October 4 to December 15.

Album presentation of  “HYPERKLASSIꓘ V.1”, Sunday, 13.10.24, Morphine Raum, with AIEL, KC and visuals by Cẩm-Anh Lương

and the other: I

Me, myself and the other: I

Upcoming: New album: Hyperclassics v.1          \\\\\\\\\        Upcoming: New album: Hyperclassics v.1

Upcoming: New album: Hyperclassics v.1          \\\\\\\\\        Upcoming: New album: Hyperclassics v.1

Upcoming: New album: Hyperclassics v.1          \\\\\\\\\        Upcoming: New album: Hyperclassics v.1

Album presentation of  “HYPERKLASSIꓘ V.1”, Sunday, 13.10.24, Morphine Raum, with AIEL, KC and visuals by Cẩm-Anh Lương

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